![Patra Recipe 13 Malpua Recipe](https://i0.wp.com/biryanibonanza.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Malpua-Recipe-2.jpg?fit=228%2C300&ssl=1)
सब्जियों को लंबे समय तक ताज़ा रखने के तरीके।
पात्रा(Patra Recipe), जिसे अलू वाड़ी या कोलोकेसिया पत्ते के रोल्स के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, एक पारंपरिक भारतीय नाश्ता या साइड डिश है जिसे कोलोकेशिया के पत्तों से बनाया जाता है, जिसमें स्वादिष्ट बेसन का मिश्रण भरा होता है। यह एक लोकप्रिय (Gujarati Patra Recipe) गुजराती व्यंजन है और इसे इसके अनोखे स्वाद और बनावट के लिए पसंद किया जाता है। यह रेसिपी घर पर स्वादिष्ट और कुरकुरे पात्रा (Patra Recipe) बनाने के लिए चरण–दर–चरण निर्देश प्रदान करती है।
8-10 Colocasia leaves (also known as taro leaves)
1 Cup gram flour (besan)
2 Tablespoons tamarind pulp
2 Tablespoons jaggery (grated)
1 Teaspoon turmeric powder
1 Teaspoon red chilli powder
1 Teaspoon coriander powder
1 Teaspoon cumin powder
Salt to taste
1 Tablespoon oil
Water as needed
बहते पानी के नीचे कोलोकसिया के पत्तों को अच्छे से धो लें। चाकू या कैंची का उपयोग करके प्रत्येक पत्ते के पीछे से डंठल और नसों को काट लें। पत्तों को किचन टॉवल से थपथपाकर सुखा लें और एक तरफ रख दें।
एक मिक्सिंग बाउल में बेसन, इमली का गूदा, कटा हुआ गुड़, हल्दी पाउडर, लाल मिर्च पाउडर, धनिया पाउडर, जीरा पाउडर, नमक और तेल मिलाएं। चिकना और गाढ़ा घोल बनाने के लिए धीरे–धीरे पानी डालें। सुनिश्चित करें कि कोई गांठ न रहे।
एक साफ सतह पर एक कोलोकेसिया पत्ता रखें, जिसका नसेलेदार भाग ऊपर की ओर हो। पत्ते पर तैयार किया गया बेसन मिश्रण को एक हल्की परत के रूप में बारीकी से फैलाएं। फिर दूसरा पत्ता ऊपर रखें और यह प्रक्रिया दोहराएं जब तक सभी पत्ते बेसन मिश्रण से ढके न हों।
एक सिरे से शुरू करते हुए, ढेर वाले पत्तों को धीरे से एक बेलनाकार आकार में रोल करें। जब रोल हो जाए, साइलेंडर को 1 इंच मोटे स्लाइस में काट लें।
पात्रा के स्लाइस को स्टीमर बास्केट में रखें। उन्हें लगभग 20-25 मिनट के लिए या तब तक भाप दें जब तक वे पक न जाएं और सख्त न हो जाएं।
पकने के बाद, पात्रा स्लाइस को स्टीमर से हटा दें। स्वादिष्ट नाश्ते या साइड डिश के रूप में हरी चटनी या इमली की चटनी के साथ गरमागरम परोसें।
बेहतर बनावट और स्वाद के लिए ताजे और कोमल कोलोकसिया के पत्ते चुनें।
प्रत्येक पत्ते पर समान स्वाद के लिए बेसन का मिश्रण बराबरी से लगाएं।
पात्रा को मध्यम आंच पर भाप दें ताकि बिना जले समान रूप से पक जाए।
पात्रा को काटने से पहले थोड़ा ठंडा होने दें ताकि वे टूट न जाएं।
Yes, Patra is generally considered a healthy dish. It is made from colocasia leaves, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Additionally, the gram flour (besan) used in the mixture provides protein and essential nutrients. Patra is typically steamed rather than fried, which helps retain the nutrients and keeps the dish lower in calories and fat. However, the nutritional value of Patra can vary depending on factors such as the ingredients used and the cooking method. Overall, when prepared with fresh ingredients and in moderation, Patra can be a nutritious addition to a balanced diet.
Patra can be a suitable option for weight loss when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. It is typically steamed, which helps keep the dish lower in calories and fat compared to fried snacks. Additionally, Patra is made with gram flour (besan), which is a good source of protein and dietary fiber, helping to keep you feeling full for longer periods and potentially aiding in weight management. However, it’s essential to consider portion sizes and the overall calorie intake throughout the day, as excessive consumption of any food, including Patra, can hinder weight loss efforts.
Yes, Patra is generally considered a healthy dish. It is made from colocasia leaves, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Additionally, the gram flour (besan) used in the mixture provides protein and essential nutrients. Patra is typically steamed rather than fried, which helps retain the nutrients and keeps the dish lower in calories and fat. However, the nutritional value of Patra can vary depending on factors such as the ingredients used and the cooking method. Overall, when prepared with fresh ingredients and in moderation, Patra can be a nutritious addition to a balanced diet
Patra, also known as Alu Vadi or Colocasia Leaf Rolls, is a traditional Indian snack or side dish made from colocasia leaves rolled with a flavorful gram flour (besan) mixture. It is popular in Gujarati cuisine and loved for its unique taste and texture. The dish is typically steamed, which helps preserve its nutritional value and keeps it lower in calories compared to fried snacks. Patra is often served with green chutney or tamarind chutney and makes for a delicious and healthy addition to any meal or as a standalone snack.
The calorie content of Gujarati Patra can vary depending on factors such as the size of the serving and the specific ingredients used in its preparation. On average, a single serving of Gujarati Patra, which typically consists of about 2-3 rolls, may contain approximately 150-200 calories. However, this estimation can vary based on the specific recipe and cooking method employed. Patra is generally considered a healthy snack or side dish option as it is often steamed rather than fried, which helps keep the calorie count lower.
Patra is a traditional dish that originates from the state of Gujarat in India. It is a popular Gujarati snack or side dish made from colocasia leaves rolled with a flavorful gram flour (besan) mixture. Patra is a significant part of Gujarati cuisine and is loved for its unique taste and texture. The dish is often served as an appetizer, snack, or side dish during festivals, special occasions, or as part of everyday meals. Its popularity has spread beyond Gujarat, and it is now enjoyed in various parts of India and around the world as well.
In India, “Patra” refers to a traditional dish made from colocasia leaves rolled with a flavorful gram flour (besan) mixture. These rolls are then steamed or fried to create a delicious snack or side dish. The term “Patra” is derived from the Sanskrit word “patra,” which means “leaf” or “vessel.” Colocasia leaves are commonly used in Indian cooking, and the preparation of Patra is a popular culinary tradition, especially in the state of Gujarat. This dish is known for its unique taste and texture and is enjoyed as a savory treat or accompaniment to meals across various regions of India.